Yacht Charter Itinerary Planning
& Preference Sheet

&beyond yacht charters delivers the ultimate all-inclusive vacation

Bienvenido abordo

Beyond Your Expectations Dreams Imagination Wishes

To assist with the preparation of your charter and ensure that your yacht charter vacation is the best it can be, please complete the following sheet.

Your Captain and Crew need to know as much about your charter preferences as possible. Please be as specific as possible and include every guest that will be onboard.

Please note that not all brand names and items are available in the islands but be assured that your crew will do their best to meet your requirements.

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Yacht Charter Itinerary Planning & Preference Sheet

Please list all members of your charter party.
Please provide an email address for adults (+18) only.
Passports are required when traveling in and out of the BVI.

Guest 01

Guest 02

Guest 03

Guest 04

Guest 05

Guest 06

Guest 07

Guest 08

Guest 09

Guest 10

Guest 01

Guest 02

Guest 03

Guest 04

Guest 05

Guest 06

Guest 07

Guest 08

Guest 09

Guest 10

This step is not available for this boat, please press "next" button to continue the process.

Please specify which guests will occupy which cabin. This of course can be changed but may be helpful to think about in advance and will assist the crew in moving your bags to the correct cabins upon your arrival.

Disposición de los camarotes

Activities (1 is low and 5 is high)

Are you celebrating any special occasions onboard?

This section provides you the opportunity to share your individual tastes and allows the crew time to prepare your menu for the week. Please ensure that all guests in your party have their preferences included on this sheet. The Chef will create and prepare a special menu for your charter party in accordance to the groups preferences. We will try our best to have your preferred items onboard, but we are sometimes limited as to what is available in the islands.Please note meals onboard are not "à la carte".

Preferred breakfast foods

Preferred Breakfast Beverages:

Preferred Choices




Wines (served with meals)

Please note that some brand names and items may not always be available on the island, but wherever possible the crew will do their best to accommodate your requests.

Kids?s Section - Now it?s the kids turn!

We look forward to having you aboard!

Please only send the form once every guest completed and saved the information. Once sent, the information cannot be retrieved for security reasons. However, you can save the form as many times as you need before sending.

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Please, enter your email before saving the data.

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