&Beyond Yacht Charters. All-Inclusive Crewed Yachts Charters
Las Islas Vírgenes de EE.UU son más de 50 islas de aguas cristalinas paradisíacas. Las principales son tres:
-St Thomas: The most cosmopolitan. Tax-free shops, international cuisine restaurants, museums, golf courses and water sports on an island that combines colonial history, modernity and a Caribbean atmosphere. Here is the capital Charlotte Amalie, the port bay, the International Airport and the most important hotel, gastronomic and commercial development in the area.
-St John: Gran parte está dentro del Parque Nacional de las Islas Vírgenes. Playas espectaculares y escenario ideal para deportes al aire libre. Además acá se encuentra Trunk Bay, una de las playas más lindas del mundo.
-St Croix: Famous for its natural and cultural abundance. It ranges from 18th and 19th century mansions in Christiansted to a tropical rainforest in Frederiksted. St Croix is ??recognized as one of the top dive sites in the world.
Mas data:
-Si viajás desde Latinoamérica, la ruta aérea más directa es vía Miami.
-For those looking for a different experience, &Beyond Yacht Charters offers a stay in private manned yachts with personalized all-inclusive service. Whether it’s a trip with friends, as a couple or as a family, they put it together according to your preferences. Would you like to visit paradisiacal beaches enjoying gourmet cuisine? Diving or yoga in movie landscapes? Stay and sail on a pet friendly yacht with activities for the whole family? With &Beyond Yacht Charters it is possible. More info at https://andbeyondyachtcharters.com/
· The climate is ideal almost all year round, but its high season is from December to May.
· In St Thomas is the house of Camille Pisarro.
· As it is a US territory, it is necessary to have a VISA to enter.
· Columbus discovered the islands on his 2nd trip to America and baptized them in 1493 as “Santa Úrsula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins” in honor of the legend. Over time they were abbreviated as “Virgin Islands”.