We would like to express our heartfelt thanks for your hospitality, remarkable hospitality & action-packed agenda.
We were seeking an active vacation with just the right amount of relaxation + this past 7 days have been incredible.
This past week has truly been a trip of a lifetime. This trip will be some of our best family memories. Honestly I can't remember the last time we got to spend this much time together. Between the beautiful hikes, swimming with dolphins, on the water live music, mermaids tail, hot doggin' and all the great educational chats - Thank you!!!!
Thank you for the oustanding 5-star culinary experience every single meal!
Justin, Julie, Ty
- G3 Charter Guest
Kayla and Chris
What a trip this has been!!! Definitely once in a lifetime type of experience.
Chris: Your food......BANANAS!! - as in super delicious.
Kayla: Your captain skills..... BONKERS!! - as in super responsible
Chris and Kayla:.....Fab hosting duo
Both Mauro and I are so grateful being on this boat and having you as our hosts.
Thank you for the truly unforgettable trip.
Minas and Mauro
- G3 Charter Guest
Chris and Kayla
Thank you so much for the fabulous week, we had a fabulous time and many great memories! You guys were awesome!
Susan and Mike
- G3 Charter Guest
Kayla and Chris
You made our trip so special! I can't thank you enough for giving the old man the opportunity to dive again. Kayla, he loved that last spot you took him too.
Chris, I will be bragging on your meals for a long time to come. Please do a cookbook! Kristen raving about your food didn't do it justice - you are amazing!
Last, but not least, thanks to you both for helping me.
- G3 Charter Guest